viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010


Considering E-Mail Adventages and disadventages we've found that using E-Mail comunication is the new way to share ideas with the world. Tecnology brings us everyday new adventages from e-mailing service, and one of the most important ones is that people can talk to everyone, everywhere, in the world in a really fast and easy way. Unfortunately it is not good at all, because it has many disadventages too. One of them is that people have less personal, because they can't see the person's face. Furthermore, it's easy to make mistakes sending wrong messages or writing wrong directions. Finally, another disadventage is that it requires a fast computer and internet service to send e-mail messages. Therefore, we must find a way to addapt us to the internet and it services to maximize it adventages and throw away it disadventages to exploit it benefists.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) was born on October 2, 1869, into a Hindu family in Porbanadar, Gujarat, India.

In a country where politics was synonymous with corruption, Gandhi introduced ethics in this domain through the preaching and example. He lived in poverty without comparison, never granted privileges to his family, and always rejected political power before and after the liberation of India. This rejection became the leader of nonviolence in a unique case among the revolutionaries of all time.

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010


My Band's Videoclip =) ENJOY!

Halteria - Sabrina

More Info:

Sample Person Poem

Thin, energetic, hardworker, friendly
Boyfriend of Marian Rojas
Who loves music, composing and fresh air
Who is afraid of Heighs, President Chavez and Wars
Who wants to be famous, travel to Europe and earn a lot of money!
Resident of Venezuela